Prime Intention of the Blog

"People without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees and wildlife is almost as helpless".

I still remember my childhood days when I used to visit Dandeli a place where even my father started his professional career and also where my most of the relatives were staying.Even though I never brought up in Dandeli no one could stop me to go there since it was just two hours journey from my native. And during every visit I used to get the scoldings from my father and relatives since I used to spend most of the time in forests than in house.So as I grown up my visit to Dandeli became very less except twice or thrice in a year since I became busy with studies but always I had in my mind that I should contribute something to these magnificent forests which inspired me a lot to fall in love with the Conservation.So it is just an attempt from my side to create awareness to save these magnificent animals and landscapes they exist in.If this blog contributes in a small way to achieve this goal I will be the most happiest person in this world.
This blog mainly focuses towards conservation activities in and around Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve.This blog doesn't provide any information regarding tourism and its related activities in and around Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Forest Dept. & NHAI locked horns on Belgaum-Goa rd.

The Forest Department and National Highway Authority of India have locked horns on the Belgaum – Goa road, The NHAI had earlier sent a proposal to have a 45 meters width road but due to environment issues it sent another proposal with 30 meters width. The present road width across Belgaum to Goa border varies from 9 meters to 17 meters, while the Forest Department has only given approval for 15 meters. NHAI officials say that on several stretches the road width is already more than 15 meters so how are they giving us approval for 15 meters. The NHAI also intends to have a four way lane between Belgaum to Khanapur, and in forest areas it is demanding 30 meters road while the forest Department is not agreeing and feels alot of trees will be cut and it will also effect wildlife movement patterns, with already many wildlife accidents on National Highways crossing forests and national parks its a matter of concern for the forest Department as the the road passes by the rich forests of Western ghats and is home to many endangered species, The road passes through the Dandeli Tiger reserve which has Bhimgad wildlife scantuary, Dandeli wildlife Scantuary, Anshi National Park & bhagwan Mahaveer wildlife Scantuary, Tigers, Elephants, bisons, Deer, Snakes, Leopards, Wild Dogs, Bears, foxes and other wildlife keep crossing this road, already due to mining logistics the wildlife movement is affected in this region.
NHAI estimates tree felling around 21000 in Belgaum division and another 21000 in Haliyal Division, they would also pay the cost of  planting 2 trees for every 1 tree is cut and a mutually accepted price for the forest land that would be lost. NHAI officials also said that they would do avenue plantations i.e road side plantation.
The forest Department feels that it would affect wildlife movement between three scantuaries and in the tiger reserve area, while NHAI says that if Forest Dept. can identify wildlife movement areas and paths they would build overpasses and bridges for easier movement of animals. forest officials were not available to comment on this issue.
An edited version of this article can be read from the link below:


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