Prime Intention of the Blog

"People without children would face a hopeless future; a country without trees and wildlife is almost as helpless".

I still remember my childhood days when I used to visit Dandeli a place where even my father started his professional career and also where my most of the relatives were staying.Even though I never brought up in Dandeli no one could stop me to go there since it was just two hours journey from my native. And during every visit I used to get the scoldings from my father and relatives since I used to spend most of the time in forests than in house.So as I grown up my visit to Dandeli became very less except twice or thrice in a year since I became busy with studies but always I had in my mind that I should contribute something to these magnificent forests which inspired me a lot to fall in love with the Conservation.So it is just an attempt from my side to create awareness to save these magnificent animals and landscapes they exist in.If this blog contributes in a small way to achieve this goal I will be the most happiest person in this world.
This blog mainly focuses towards conservation activities in and around Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve.This blog doesn't provide any information regarding tourism and its related activities in and around Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Special drive for anti-poaching activities in all Tiger Reserves

It has been brought to the notice of this Authority that wandering gangs involved in poaching are targeting several tiger reserves.  In the recent past,snares have been recovered from some reserves, apart from tiger deaths due to poisoning and leg trap injury.  The situation is serious and calls for urgent action to step up protection in the tiger reserves as well as the forest divisions adjoining such reserves by launching a special drive. 
In this context, it is advised that the field authorities may please be directed for the following on a priority basis: 
(a) Deploying antipoaching squads comprising of local workforce to assist the frontline staff for intensive patrolling / combing the sensitive forest areas and areas having tiger / wild herbivore presence to check / remove snares / traps, within a fortnight.   
(b)Keeping track of straying tigers and tigresses with cubs moving out of tiger reserves / protected areas. 
(c) Ensuring vigil near water points / nallas / exit points / barriers / highways while keeping track of traditional wandering gangs involved in poaching.   
(d)Building up the intelligence in collaboration with  the district level Local Intelligence Unit of the IB and Police. 
(e) Keeping track of cattle depredation by carnivores to prevent revenge killings. 

(f) Reviewing of pending cases relating to payment of compensation / exgratia for livestock depredation / human deaths due to carnivores. 
2. This special drive is being launched in the wake of several recent reports regarding poaching gangs frequenting wildlife / forest areas. Hence, it is requested that the field authorities may be directed to accord topmost priority to this initiative which needs to be completed within  a fortnight.  The Field Director of the Tiger Reserve in the region may be  nominated as the Coordinator for liaisoning with the officers of territorial forest divisions.   
3. The above drive may please be launched at the earliest under intimation to this Authority, besides subsequently updating about the outcome.

This protocol was published in project tiger's official website and can be read from the link below:

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