Nurturing local community who care for tigers has been one of the main strategies pursued by Karnataka Forest Department. Keeping this in mind, Wildlife Division, Dandeli is celebrating Wildlife Week every year to create awareness about the nature and wildlife among the local people who play a key role in wildlife conservation. As a part of this, 57th Wildlife Week Celebration, 2011(1-7 October) was organized at Nature Interpretation Camp, Kulgi for the school children, villagers living in and around Dandeli forests..The event was organised by Sahyadri Wildlife and Forest Conservation Trust(SWIFT) volunteers and members, lead by Mr.Narasimha Chapkhand in association with Wildlife Division,Dandeli.
The event was inaugurated by CCF Mr.Premkumar.Chief Guest was Mr.Balachandra Hegde and DCF Mr.Sunil Panwar were present in the occasion.I am very happy that i could able to participate actively in all the events as a volunteer.Some of the Resource persons were invited are, Mr.C R Naik,Mr.Shridhar Desai,Mr.Jayanand Derekar etc.Community awareness programs like slide shows, nature interpretation activities, snake and honey-bee awareness programs etc. were done during the event.Nearly 300 Students from 6 schools,1 college,villagers around DATR were actively participated in the event.
Key Outcomes.
•An average 10 activities on nature and wildlife conservation conducted during the program.
• All the trained students and teachers are motivated to conduct the nature related activities effectively in schools.
•The event has created its impact motivating other schools to take part in this event in future days.
•All the schools have shown a positive response to reach out community through community interaction programs to sensitize on nature and conservation.
• All students and teachers were motivated to carry out a scientific approach towards snakes and bees by showing slide shows and practical examples by which they could able to remove all the super specious beliefs from their mind.
Some of the glimpses of the event are,
Welcome Speech by
Inauguration by CCF Mr.Premkumar
Speech by Mr.Balachandra Hegde
Local people giving their opinions
Speech by CCF Mr.Premkumar
Speech by DCF Mr. Sunil Panwar
Ayurvedic Expert Mr.Shridhar Desai interacting with students
Resource person Mr. Jayanand Derekar interacting with students
A vote of Respect to Local People
Honey-bee awareness to students by Mr.Narasimha Chapkhand
Students carrying the honey-bees
with no fear.
Nature awareness games to students
Nature awareness games to students
Snake awareness by Forest Guard Mr.C R Naik
Students carrying snake with no fear
Students making Elephant Structures on “World Elephant Day”
Slide shows and videos on wildlife conservation
Students’ interaction with wild animals
Students at Insects’ Museum
Forest staff explaining the importance of Wildlife Conservation
Quiz Competition
Prize Distribution to the students
Students’ Feedback on the event
Teachers’ Feedback
Smiling faces
Smiling faces